Showing posts with label Christ consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ consciousness. Show all posts

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Opening to Christ-Conscious Energies

What does the word "Christ" mean? 

The Meaning of Christ

Christ. I was taught in my own Christian upbringing that Christ means 'light'. I was taught that Christ was Light. Jesus was His first name. Christ was His surname. That's okay.

I was taught that an aura (the sometimes visible to the naked eye glow or lightness surrounding living things) is called a 'halo'. Imagine my surprise and slight embarrassment when, many years down the road I pointed out to one of my spiritual teachers that the people in the painting we were marveling at had 'halos' around their heads.

Kayla chuckled quietly and without judgment. And responded with this:

"Well, they're like halos ~ they represent the individuals' aura. His or her essence or Soul."

The word Christ comes from the Greek word "christos" meaning 'anointed one'. If you follow the link placed below the photograph to the left, you can read the entire explanation from a Christian viewpoint. (Naturally, there are many other perspectives on this concept, but I'm offering the Christian perspective, because that's the one I'm most familiar with.)

The concept of a Messiah, an Anointed One, a Savior, if you will is not exclusive to Christianity, either. Many religious philosophies teach that an enlightened being, a Master of sorts, will bring Light, Love and Consciousness to a world being manifested through chaos, greed and desperation. Why did I choose the words 'being manifested' in the previous sentence? Because that is exactly what the world around us is. Each of us creates our own existence with our thoughts and our conditioned and non-conditioned beliefs. What are the differences between conditioned and non-conditioned beliefs, you inquire? Let me explain, in a nutshell.

Conditioned Beliefs

Conditioned beliefs are the ones we grew up believing. because our experiences, parents, teachers, society as a whole ~ believed those conditioned beliefs wholeheartedly and in turn, we took them on through the process of osmosis. Their beliefs were placed upon us as we merged with society's way of believing and thinking about certain things and situations. Conditioned beliefs can be changed, like all beliefs, as we become more emotionally intelligent and mature.

Non-Conditioned Beliefs

Non-conditioned beliefs are those beliefs we've picked up along our path in Life that we hold dear. These beliefs are usually of our own making, our own perceptions of the things we've experienced on our individual paths. Non-conditioned beliefs can also be changed as we grow and mature, spiritually.
Christ Consciousness revealed ...

The Moment of Awakening

At the precise moment of awakening, the moment in the morning right before you open your eyes to start your day, there is a source of power in that particular moment that needs to be utilized. It is in that precise auspicious moment when you have the innate power to create your entire day. You can create a wonderful experience to build upon or you can create a chaotic mess. It is truly up to you. 

At that precise moment when you awaken, tap into the collective Christ-consciousness ~ the awakened Light, the anointed One, Unconditional Love ~ and speak your power, your truth. "My day is filled with surprises, miracles and love!" or, alternatively, "This is gonna be a great day!" If you choose a less optimistic path, you could say: "This day is gonna suck!" But would you really want to start your day built upon that statement? 

Simple words, whether or not you believe them in the moment, can create your day to be wonderful ~ or not. When a person awakens with bitterness, sadness, anger, resentments or conflicts on his or her heart and soul, he or she creates a cesspool of misaligned energies rather than clear, balanced powerful lightness. Sometimes, like during the grieving process of a loved one's passing, we don't even wish to awaken with joy, love and awareness. It's okay. We're human beings. We need to allow ourselves time for grief, just as we need to allow ourselves time to rejoice. If we didn't have misaligned energies in this existence, we'd not have balanced energies, either. It truly takes one reality to know the other.

Christ-Consciousness & Other Energies

If we find a need to label the energies ~ good or bad, negative or positive, dark or light ~ we aren't allowing the energies to simply BE, to simply exist. We're attempting to categorize, control and manipulate, to package and wrap it all up in a neat and tidy box. Like the simply physics rule, energy can neither be created or destroyed ~ it's physics. Energy simply IS. Christ-Conscious energy is highly vibrational, spirited (no pun intended) energy that sizzles with excitement and Life force. We are all privy to this perfect energy, the high vibrations of Christ-Conscious Energy ~ there is no need for us to do or say anything, the energy is available to anyone at anytime. There are simple exercises we can do to connect with the Christ-Consciousness that is currently infiltrating and surrounding Mother Earth. I'll outline one now ...
Meditate on the Light

Simple Meditation to Open to Christ~Energy

Simply sit in a comfortable position with feet flat on the floor. You can light a candle, incense, anything that might help you to attain a relaxed state of mind. Relax into your body, focus on your breathing. With every intake of breath, count to three slowly. With every outtake of breath, count to three slowly. Become one with your breathing and no matter what thoughts come into your head simply allow them to be. Notice the thoughts, but don't focus on the them  ~  simply let them hover there ~ just observe. Continue focusing on your breath.

Imagine your Crown Chakra at the top of your head: It's glowing, pulsating White Light (the color of the Crown Chakra is associated with White) reaching ever upward to connect with the Creator's Light. Imagine the White Light, the Golden Shower of God's Light hands pouring down from the heaven's and into your Crown Chakra. Imagine the Light of the Creator, the Universe pouring steadily and freely into your Crown Chakra and filling your very physical form with Light and Lightness. Imagine the White Light of the Creator aligning itself to your other Chakras, straight through from Crown to Root Chakra, connecting and aligning your Chakras with its powerful healing light. 

These are the Christed Energies ~ the Christ Consciousness. Let your physical form be filled to overflowing with the bright, white light of God. Revel in that Light for however long you can hold it within. Let the Light permeate every cell, every neuron, every fiber of your entire Being. Sit quietly with the Light until your Consciousness feels it's time to come back to reality. 

When you complete this meditation, ground yourself by holding a chunk of hematite in your left hand and/or putting a tiny bit of salt on your tongue. Grounding your energy back to Mother Earth after mediation is important. If you're feeling dizzy or lightheaded from this meditation, don't be concerned. It happens and isn't anything to be concerned about. 


If you practice the preceding meditation as often as possible (try daily for 10 minutes at first and then increase if you wish) your physical form will begin to open to the Christed energies. These Light energies are powerful and Life changing! Don't be surprised when people and situations around you begin to change and sometimes fade out of your Life permanently ~ things and people that no longer support your continued growth and expansion will begin to fade away and you will begin to feel more connected to humanity than ever before. Opening to Christ Consciousness is an ever-changing, ever-expanding process that once set into motion will not cease ~ it continues on ...

Let Your Love Light Shine! 

Vist me on the web for more information:

Peace, Love & Light ~

Reiki Nurse 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Great Shift

We are living in auspicious, Light-filled times!

Auspicious Times 

We are living in auspicious times, my Light-Filled Friends!

Why do I say we are living in auspicious times? Because I believe we are. 

We’re in what some have termed the Golden Era of Light or the Great Shift. This period in linear time will bring about a Higher Consciousness that will serve to save Planet Earth and Humanity ~ and shine the Consciousness of Christ-Light upon the entire planet. 

This New World will align our Souls with the Creator’s and we will begin to realize that we are truly connected, rather than separate from each other and Source. The new Era of Light will be one in which every Being thrives, no matter social status, education, race, religion ... no matter what. 

Humanity is Awakening

We know intrinsically that 'something' is happening ...
The esoteric truths that were imprinted upon our Souls from the beginning of Time have been quashed, denied and manipulated for millennia, because to reveal the truth would be to release humanity from the bondage of control. 

We’ve been controlled by entities that have sought to control humanity and control outcomes for millennia, and we are just now breaking free from the collective trap of darkness. Everything is being exposed in this new era of truth. All the systems that were  created and built up to ‘protect’ us from ourselves are being torn down, belief by belief. The Light of Truth is piercing the veil that has only served to confuse us and hide the truth of our innate empowerment, that which connects each of us intrinsically to Source. 


Many of us have felt shifts in our own Consciousness and our own Souls, as well as shifts in the very fabric of reality in recent years. These shifts have been felt on subtle and not so subtle levels, and some of us have had the wherewithal to discuss what’s happening outright, while others have been silenced by their own Ego & by fear.

EGO wishes to keep us stuck in the old ways of thinking and does not want these changes to take place for fear of its own annihilation, which inevitably will come about when humanity figures out that EGO has been the sole cause of too many conflicts, too many wars on this planet. 

EGO has been in charge of Humanity for thousands of years, since our Matriarchal societies were shattered and destroyed by the darkness that was visited upon us by EGO (Easing God Out).

Trust the Process

Trust that everything is happening for the Greater Good
Many beings have experienced and are experiencing the process of awakening to the truth of what is for several years. Humanity has been veiled (shrouded) in paradigms that have been hailed as ‘truths’ for centuries, but the Light of Consciousness is being shone upon every conditioned belief, every falsity that has ever existed. It is during this auspicious time on our planet ~ the Golden Age ~ that all which was disseminated as truth for thousands of years will be exposed because darkness cannot survive once the Light of Truth reveals it for what it truly is.

These things are coming about currently in the current climate globally. If you stay abreast of the happenings around us with an open mind and an open heart, there is absolutely no way you can miss what is being revealed: from lies being exposed to conditioned beliefs being shattered to global protests about the mistreatment of living beings. 

Everything that is happening is timely, albeit unpredictable and sometimes laced with fear. We need only to remember that EGO is not in charge, that we are all connected to each other and to the Creator, and that LOVE is the most powerful emotion in the spectrum of emotions. 

LOVE will heal humanity. In the end, there is only Love ~ and all is being revealed with Love.

Trust the Process!

Love, Peace & Blessings to All ~
Reiki Nurse 

You can connect with Reiki Nurse and sign up to receive updates at Reiki's Mystic Circle

More to be revealed ~ 
Let YOUR Love Light Shine! 

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Journey

Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves ...

Narcissism: Incorrectly Overused Term

Loving who you are cannot and should not be equated with narcissism. Loving who you are is, in fact, the total opposite of narcissism. Narcissists harbor deep-seated loathing for themselves and deep down they’re unsure and have no concept of how to honest with themselves. Everything happens to them or is about them and the concept of ‘creating your own reality’ or ‘personal responsibility’ may as well be an alien language beyond comprehension. 

A narcissist truly loathes the person they are.  It’s a sad and toxic existence where s/he is constantly seeking the approval of others for validation of herself as a person. It’s a place of darkness, sorrow and despair. There may be a little ‘narcissist’ in every human being, actually. But self-love resolves the misaligned energies that create self-deprecation and self-delusion.

Learning to Love Yourself

I’ve learned that loving myself is not about feeling superior, better than, or more powerful than anyone else. In fact, loving who I am as a woman and a spiritual being teaches me that I am not only equal to every other sentient being on this plane of existence, I am intrinsically connected to each and every one. 

I’ve learned that loving myself means caring about what happens to me as a person, as a woman, as a living being. I’ve learned that loving who I am is knowing that I’m a flawed human being in all her glory and realizing that others’ needs are just as important as my own ~ not more important and not less important. I’ve learned that knowing how I care for myself in the present is going to benefit everyone I come into contact with because I won’t take my stress out on undeserving victims.

We're all on The Journey, The Great Path ...
Being present for myself ~ striving to stay in the present moment (which is pretty simple to do, but not really easy) ~ benefits not only my own state of mind, but every other soul’s peace of mind that I’ll come into contact with on my Journey today. Identifying my own needs and desires helps me to stay focused on the changes that need to be made within my personality (and hence, in my behaviors) as I become more aware. 

My spirit is perfect and I’m drawing from my spiritual self to manifest what it is I experience on this level. Loving myself is knowing my authentic self and what it is that ‘floats my boat’, so to speak. It’s learning to take charge of my emotions rather than allowing my emotions to be in charge.

Learning to love myself just as I am ~ accepting every flaw as well as every virtue ~ is part of my intrinsic Journey on this plane. We’re all on The Journey, the Great Path. We’re simply at different milestones, various land marks along the road. We are all connected to each other and to the Divine Consciousness, God, Allah, Jesus, Great Spirit, Being, etc. We needn’t be afraid to show the world who we truly are ~ for that bright, sparkling, radiation diamond at our very Core is who and what we truly are. We are One. We are Love. We are Connected. 

Be blessed and continue on The Journey with ease and grace ~


Reiki Nurse (Kathi)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Universal Law Series: 5 The Law of Cause & Effect

5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
"What we put out into the Universe, how we treat others, how we treat ourselves … all have consequences. We reap what we sow. Every action has a reaction and a consequence.  What we put out we get back. It’s Karma …"

We have all heard that what we put out comes back to us tenfold, and if you haven't heard that one, you've most likely heard the expression "You reap what you sow" which is most likely derived from one of Jesus' parables about the gardner who sows his seeds in fertile soil. The Law of Cause & Effect, this 5th Universal Law which we are discussing in the Universal Law Series speaks of just that: cause and effect. 

So, you're angry at a colleague and are devising a plan to 'get back' at him or her for something they did to hurt you ... take care not to create the kind of karma that will come back and bite you in the butt! When angry with someone, it is best to allow your anger, to stay with the emotion, and work through it as best you can BEFORE taking action or speaking. 

This Universal Law is one that personally has been consistently difficult to enact. When I become aware of my anger, or of unhealthy thoughts that have been triggered by an event but may not be related to the present so much as it is the past, it is difficult to find my center again and let it go. It takes time and practice, over and over, to put our emotions to rest rather than act on them impulsively. 

It's so important for our benefit, and for the benefit of those we interact with that we really consider our words prior to speaking them. Because we are human before anything, we tend to get caught up in human emotions, we tend to react, rather than to respond when we are feeling trapped, or defensive. Sometimes, what we think we need to say is nothing more than poppycock. It is, therefore, very important to consider what it is we say, think, or do before acting on it. 

Blessings & Peace ~

Reiki Nurse

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Universal Law Series: 4. The Law of Correspondence

4 ~ The Law of Correspondence

"In our Universe, on our physical plane of existence everything has a corresponding principle attached to it. Energy, Vibration, Light, Motion … they all have corresponding principles attached. As Above, so Below …"

There is so much misunderstanding within the complexity of this Universal Law. The statement "As above, so Below" is an ubiquitous one, in that it has been quoted and parroted by many of us for eons. It's an Hermetic axiom that many of us repeat without a true understanding of its meaning. This axiom refers to two distinct concepts. The first concept it refers to is that what we experience within, we create (or manifest) without. In this way, this Universal Law ties into the preceding ones and fits correctly in its place. We are constantly creating and manifesting our own realities through the attitudes we hold true, the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take. We are only responsible for our own thoughts, words, attitudes, actions and no one else's. 

We create our lives, our futures, our presents ... we are solely responsible to ourselves. Sound convoluted? It probably is, but it all ties into the Big Picture. We must be responsible for our own reality, our own Selves. We are the Divine, the Divine is in each of us. It is our personal responsibility to finely hone our own Spiritual path, our own 'rightness' with the Divine, our own Christ-centered lives. We are responsible for the raising of our own Christ-consciousness, for our words, actions, thoughts. 

The second concept it refers to is the polarity within our Universe: that for every force, action, concept there is an equal force/action/concept, and each balances the other. There is a balance (yin/yang, feminine/masculine, light/dark, etc) within the Universe and there must be balance within ourselves, as well. Perhaps it's all much easier than it seems, and when we finally release our Earthly bodies and return to Spirit, it will all be much easier to comprehend than it is on this plane of existence. As humans, we tend to over think and over analyze everything. But that is the gist of what Universal Law #4 is in my realm. I hope this explanation hasn't further confused anyone!

Blessings to All ~

Reiki Nurse

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Intentions ...

Intentions are like commands to the Universe. What we focus on and think about is what we create into being. 

Over time, some of us have learned that what we think we are or are not, so we become. What we think about wanting, needing, having, so we manifest. All past energies that we created and commanded to God/Spirit through the power of our own thought patterns and spoken commands either manifest and are created within our realms, be they negative or positive. Basically, it's simply the law of karma: What we put forth (intent!), so we become. Or, as printed in the Christian Bible in a letter from Paul to some early Christian groups: What we sow, so shall we reap (Galatians 6:7-9). 

With every thought, word, and action, be those thoughts or words negative or positive, we are creating our futures. This concept seems to be a difficult one to grasp for so many of us.  It has taken some of us many years and focus to figure out that what we allow ourselves to THINK, DREAM, and SPEAK manifests in the physical world time and again. This is what is called in physics 'The Law of Attraction'. What we sometimes fail to realize is that until we come to understand the power of our thoughts (they are energy, and energy does not die-that's simple physics!) we will continue to feel powerless in creating our own lives. 

These are simply some thoughts or ideas on how it is we create our realities, our situations, our lives. When we learn to accept responsibility for our own lives, and begin to realize that there is no one or nothing outside of ourselves that we require to make our lives what we dreamt it could be, we feel empowered. When we let go of our ego Self (Easing God Out) and allow the Light in, we can feel freer to express our true Self, our true Spirit.

Blessings, Light, Peace, my friends ~
Take a few minutes to view this short video from scientist Gregg Braden in regard to The Law of Attraction: